This is a testimony of the wife of David Dempsey, who was ripped away from his family by the Biden regime.
Thanks to Stand in the Gap Foundation and their "Operation Love Wins" initiative, she was able to visit her in prison with their daughter.
After her visit, she was sent a survey detailing their visit and agreed to have their story published. This is their story:
Q: How long had it been since you last saw your loved on in person?
A: August 26 2021
Q: Describe what it felt like to reunite with them.
A: It felt amazing to finally have my almost 6 year old see her father after two years. It was nice to be able to hug him after not seeing him for so long.
Q: Why do you think this campaign is important for J6 families?
A: If it wasn’t for this campaign I wouldn’t have been able to see him again till he got released and I don’t even know when that would be. I really appreciate it, all my daughter does is ask about her dad.
Q: What would you like to say to the donors who generously support Operation Love Wins and make programs like this possible?
A: I think you all are amazing and made something happen for my daughter that I wasn’t able to do! I am struggling being a single mom since David was taken away from us, you all are amazing! Rose and I appreciate you all!!
We want to thank David's wife for having the courage to share her story. If you can, please donate to Stand in the Gap Foundation to help reunite families like the Dempseys, even if it's only for 12 hours at a time.