Sen. Johnson to Newsmax: Right Time for National Election Integrity Rules

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  • Source: Newsmax
  • 11/18/2024

With Republicans taking majorities in the House and Senate, the time could be right to pass legislation to protect election integrity on a national level, Sen. Ron Johnson said Friday on Newsmax.

"We do want states to run their elections, but there should probably be some national standards," the Wisconsin Republican said on "Wake Up America," adding that President-elect Donald Trump has made "certain statements" on the matter. 

Johnson said lawmakers want to leave it up to states to run their elections, but Americans are calling on some standards for issues such as voter identification and to ensure that "only citizens vote."

"With things like voter ID, 84% or 85% of Americans want [it] because they don't want their legitimate vote canceled by an illegitimate vote," Johnson said.

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